pet sitter-canada

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How Pet Sitters Canada Works

1. Find a Best Pet Sitter

Begin your search by using a local pet sitters search form to find available pet sitters in your area.

2. Contact Pet Sitters

Reach out to potential sitters via phone or email to inquire about their availability, rates, and services.

3. Hire and Prepare

Discuss and agree on terms including duration, services provided, emergency procedures, and payment.

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Why choose Us ?

1. Comprehensive Vetting Process

  • Safety First: We ensure every pet sitter in our directory has passed a rigorous vetting process, including background checks, interviews, and verification of certifications. You can trust that your pet is in capable and professional hands.

2. Wide Range of Services

  • Flexible Options: Whether you need a sitter for a few hours, overnight, or for an extended period, our directory caters to all types of pet care needs, including walking, feeding, medication administration, and even grooming services.

3. Nationwide Network

  • Local and Accessible: With pet sitters available in major cities and regions across Canada, you’ll find a trusted professional close to your home, reducing the stress on your pet and providing convenience for you.

4. Dedicated Support

  • We’re Here to Help: Our customer support team is dedicated to assisting you. Whether you have questions about our services or need help choosing a sitter, we’re here every step of the way.

Frequently asked questions

1. How do I find the right pet sitter for my pet?
  • You can search for pet sitters by location and service type on our website. Each listing includes detailed profiles with reviews, qualifications, and available services to help you make the best choice for your pet.
  • All pet sitters on our platform undergo a thorough vetting process which includes background checks, reference checks, and an interview. We also verify any certifications they claim to have to ensure they meet our standards of quality and reliability.
  • Yes, our sitters offer services for a variety of pets including dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, and small mammals. Each sitter’s profile specifies the types of pets they are experienced with.
  • All our sitters are trained to handle emergencies and will have your contact information and vet details on hand. In case of an emergency, they will contact you immediately and follow the emergency care instructions provided at the time of booking.

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